projekt IN2PREV
IN2PREV aims to facilitate refugees and asylum seekers’ integration and prevent their radicalisation through the early identification of vulnerability risk factors. This will be achieved by promoting cooperation between frontline practitioners, producing a tool to assess these individuals’ vulnerability to radicalisation, developing a mentoring programme for their inclusion, and capacitating frontline professionals.
Working Packages | |
WP1. Management & communication | |
WP2. IN2PREV's Frontline Practitioners Network | |
Activity 2.1 – Frontline Practitioners' EU-wide mapping and database set-up | |
Activity 2.2 – Establish IN2PREV's Advisory Expert Committee | |
Activity 2.3 – Creation of a digital platform to host IN2PREV's Frontline Practitioners Network | |
WP3. Frontline Extremism Vulnerability Risk - Structured Evaluation Screening (FEVR-SES) | |
Activity 3.1 – Online mapping of current procedures to aseess refugees' vulnerability to radicalisation | |
Activity 3.2 – Develop a framework to evaluate current interventions | |
Activity 3.3 – Develop the Frontline Extremism Vulnerability Risk - Structured Evaluation Screening (FEVR-SES) tool | |
Activity 3.3.1 – FEVR-SES Methodological Framework & tool creation | |
Activity 3.3.2 – Ethical review and guidelines' production | |
Activity 3.3.3 – Organise online joint transnational, cross-sectoral FEVR-SES review panel | |
Activity 3.3.4 – Organise FEVR-SES national calibration workshops | |
Activity 3.3.5 – FEVR-SES piloting, validation and final tuning | |
WP4. IN2PREV collective prevention plan | |
Activity 4.1 – Cooperative preventive mechanisms for law enforcement agencies | |
Activity 4.1.1 – Online mapping of current mechanisms and procedures | |
Activity 4.1.2 – Design and develop the “Preventive Mechanisms for LEAs’ working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Practical Handbook of Collaborative and Cooperative Practices” | |
Activity 4.2 – Set-up IN2PREV’s Mentoring Approach for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Successful Inclusion (M4-Rinc Integration Assurance Programme) | |
Activity 4.2.1 – Conceptualise and create M4-Rinc Integration Assurance Programme | |
Activity 4.2.2 – Selection of M4-Rinc's mentors | |
Activity 4.2.3 – Organise M4-Rinc national calibration workshops | |
Activity 4.2.4 – Piloting, validation and final finetuning | |
WP5. IN2PREV's cross-sectoral & multi-goal training approach | |
Activity 5.1. – Adaptation and deployment of an e-learning Training of Trainers' course for frontline practitioners | |
Activity 5.2 – Develop a b-learning training course on preventing and identifying vulnerability risk factors to radicalisation on refugees and asylum seekers | |
Activity 5.2.1 – Outlining the training course's content and multimedia design | |
Activity 5.2.2 – Piloting the training course in each partner country | |
Activity 5.2.3 – Trainees' feedback & evaluation (periodical collection and analysis) | |
Activity 5.2.4 – Fine-tuning the training course | |
Activity 5.3. – Develop a b-Learning training course to facilitate refugees and asylum seekers integration through mentoring | |
Activity 5.3.1. – Outlining the training course's content and multimedia design | |
Activity 5.3.2. – Piloting the training course in each partner country | |
Activity 5.3.3. – Trainees' feedback & evaluation (periodical collection and analysis) | |
Activity 5.3.4. – Fine-tuning the training course |