kriminalistický kongres v septembri 2021 v Bratislave
Academy of Police Forces in Bratislava, Slovak Criminalists' Society, Criminalists' Association of Lithuania and Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania, kindly invite you to participate in 17th international congress "Criminalistics and forensic expertology: science, studies, practice".
MAIN TOPICS OF THE CONGRESS: Themes of the conference are generated under the results of questionnaires distributed in previous congresses.
• Application of specific knowledge from technical sciences to criminalistics. Specific and special methods.
• Trends in the development of methods and procedures in the tactics of Criminalistic.
• A common space of Criminalistic and forensic sciences? The importance of governmental and non-governmental structures.
• Criminalistics theory and alternative theories of Criminalistic.
• Perspectives of digitization in Criminalistic and forensic practice.
• Use of special knowledge in criminalistics procedures.
• The influence of Criminalistic and forensic sciences on the development of legal regulation.
• Practical education in the didactics of Criminalistic and forensic.
• Trends in criminalistics methodics / Theory of investigation, in the investigation of criminal offenses.
• Is there a unified forensic science in Europe? Forensic research and support in court proceedings.
• The mutual influence of Criminalistic and Criminology.
About 110 participants from 13 countries especially form Europe, including Izrael and Kazachstan. Book of studies in paper form:
Zachar, Š., Meteňko, J., Meteňková, M., (2021) Kriminalistika a forenzné vedy: veda, vzdelávanie, prax : 17. medzinárodný kongres : Zborník príspevkov : 16.-17. septembra 2021 Bratislava, Slovenská republika, 1. vyd. - Bratislava: Akadémia PZ - K kriminalistiky a forenzných vied, 2021. - 338 s., ISBN 978-80-8054-905-3
and digital form:
Zachar, Š., Meteňko, J., Meteňková, M., (2021) Kriminalistika a forenzné vedy: veda, vzdelávanie, prax : 17. medzinárodný kongres : Zborník príspevkov : 16.-17. septembra 2021 Bratislava, 1. vyd. - Bratislava: Akadémia PZ - K kriminalistiky a forenzných vied, 2021. - 366 s., E-Book 1 CD ROM, ISBN 978-80-8054-905-3